I've been busy preparing for the Party here at our Frogmoor home to be held on Sunday, May 16th. My sweet husband Ron has been helping me in enormous ways in the garden and in the house, and this is good way to get set up for the summer. The porch is clean, the patio table painted, and some gardens mulched. Never really done, of course, but on its way to easier.
Here are a few of the art pieces I'll be showing and selling at the party.
Some of these are originals; some are available as prints. I also have a nice selection of my Reminder Pins, made from mostly recycled materials.
Lots of great cards too, made from my paintings and collages.

Some other fun things to look at - visual journals, little books, and dolls.
Here is the schedule for Sunday:
10 AM - Noon
Drawing Workshop in the Gardens
Bring your own art supplies and a folding stool or chair. I will help you get going and supply loads of encouragement! The workshop will be limited to 10 people, so be sure to let me know as soon as you can to reserve your place.
Noon - 1 PM
Potluck Brunch
Just bring along some small yummy dish to share and we'll enjoy some food and conversation.
No need to reserve for this.
Noon - 3 PM
Art Show & Sale
My original art work, along with prints, cards, and canvas bags will be on display in the Foyer Gallery. Some of the work will be displayed for fun and your enjoyment - visual journals, handmade books, collage, and more. The other art will be for sale, so think weddings, birthdays, Father's Day, etc. No reservation required to view the gallery.
The Party will be held at my home at:
112 Crestview Drive
Valatie NY 12184
To get here from Valatie:
Drive north about 3 miles on Rt. 203. Turn right on Crestview Drive, go up the hill about .5 mile until you see the red mailbox with the number 112 on it. Park along the left side of the driveway. (Try not to block or park in the turn-around spot - Thanks)
To get here from North Chatham:
Drive south about 1.5 miles and look for the first left turn past the Chathams Animal Hospital.
Turn left on Crestview Drive, go up the hill about .5 mile until you see the red mailbox with the number 112 on it. Park along the left side of the driveway. (Try not to block or park in the turn-around spot - Thanks)
To get here from North Chatham:
Drive south about 1.5 miles and look for the first left turn past the Chathams Animal Hospital.
Turn left on Crestview Drive, go up the hill about .5 mile until you see the red mailbox with the number 112 on it. Park along the left side of the driveway. (Try not to block or park in the turn-around spot - Thanks)
Please bring a friend and come over to say Hello!
To Contact Me:
To Contact Me: