Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sewing Machine Meets Rowing Machine

I have a new studio! We're calling it Pink House Studio East! This one is in addition to my larger, messier studio in the Pink House Studio West. My sweetheart and I are trying out spending more time together that will include more weekdays, and since I have the more flexible job, he invited me to set up a studio in his living room. I am finally sewing and constructing  in this cozy space. My old Singer is getting comfortable living next to the rowing machine. And as my honey pointed out, they are really pretty similar - shiny black machines with wheels as the functional essence.

Stitching on my deconstructed screen printed fabrics to make little shoulder bags. I love the back sides too, don't you?!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Exploring the World

Ring Wall surrounding Visby, Sweden
I just returned from a wonderful 10 days in Sweden with my sweetheart. We saw so many beautiful people, places, and things! So many images to keep my art practice lively for a very long time!

Tucked in the bottom of my pack on this trip was piece of raw silk, ready to be rolled with Swedish leaves and simmered with some vinegar on someone else's stove as we lounged after a long day of sight seeing. Well, the lounging part just did not happen - imagine! Too much to see!

So, I did manage to bring home a small collection of pressed Swedish leaves, many from the trails around Visby's ring wall, and they are now printed on two lengths of raw silk, awaiting a project that will remind us of so many beautiful walks during our trip.

King's Garden, Stockholm
Visby with a church ruins next to the restored and active cathedral.

Ancient grave site with stone boat, windmill, and David on the island of Oland.