Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How to See PINK on the Radio

Mammoth sunflowers and pink coneflowers greet visitors to the Pink House in Saranac Lake. Photo: Todd Moe
A lovely thing happened today. The interview recorded with me last week by the fabulous Todd Moe of North Country Public Radio aired on the "Eight o'Clock Hour" program. If you ever wanted to know a little more about Art at the Pink House and my view of this business, click HERE for Todd's audio interview and some photos.

I am SO grateful to every person and every organization that brings my business to the public with such good wishes! My Humble and Everlasting Thanks!

Cris Winters enjoys being surrounded by flowers and art, creating fiber designs in her home studio and tending her front garden at the Art at the Pink House in Saranac Lake. Photo: Todd Moe