Friday, November 17, 2017

The 2017 BIG little Show

Last week, I spent some time preparing a whole different set of work (from my usual) for the annual holiday show and sale at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts. Little framed botanical contact (or eco) prints. White frames,  a little green handmade paper - I'm happy with them!  The show opens on Friday, November 17th, and the opening is always a great opportunity to see far-flung artist friends from across the northern Adirondacks.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Art on the Fly

On my way across New York State a few days ago, I stopped in Auburn, N.Y. to see the wonderful annual exhibit Quilt=Art=Quilt at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center. Always wonderful and inspiring! I loved so much of what was in this exhibit, and here are a few of the pieces that spoke to my current interest in narrative, text,  and hand stitching.  Enjoy, then go see it! Up through December 2017.
Stacy Hurt
Jette Clover
Shea Wilkinson

Sharon Carvalho

Helen Geglio