Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trying to be Creative Every Day

I recently took up a challenge to be Creative Every Day (see I like this reminder - a little nudge to do what is truly important to me. Last summer I made a daily visual journal beginning in early July and I continued well into September. What a pleasure it is to look back at that collection of small pieces and to recollect the days! This summer's work has been more scattered but still significant to me.

Today I mailed this post card to my grand-daughter Lili. She is just 3 1/2 months old, but her mom, the lovely Tanya, reads the cards to her and is saving them for a future book or album that I will make for her. This beautiful new child is in my thoughts so often that I have to send her my love in some way. She was christened on Sunday, and this post card is made from, among other things, a photo I took that day.

I sent Lili another card a couple of weeks ago, after seeing a Hermit Thrush nest at our Adirondack camp. When the baby birds hatched, they reminded me of her - amazing, perfect, helpless, and hungry.
Other small projects in progress, including some monoprints I am making while at my cabin on some lovely new handmade paper I bought at the Bluseed Studios Summer Breeze fundraiser. See what this wonderful organization does:

We are heading off for many days of birds, beach, and family - preparing to do little pieces of art on the way and while at the cottage. I love doing collage work in the car while my dear husband safely cruises us along. That time feels so free from duties and often very creatively rich.

A sketchbook page from a different beach a few years ago -

I expect similar scenes next week!


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Mary Anne Davis said...

Hi Cris,

Nice to see what you are up to. Will try and stop by Niche Gallery during your new show! Things look really lovely. :)