Sunday, September 20, 2015

Before the Maine Event

A whole day to explore fabric dyeing techniques! First with indigo.
Beth Berman hosted us, and she mixed up this lovely bucket of indigo dye ahead of time so it could gently ferment. See that scum on top? That indicates that it worked! We learned many ways to tie, clamp, rubber band, and otherwise manipulate our fabric to make patterns before immersing them in the indigo bucket. 
My cotton fabric with 1) string pulled through rolled fabric, 2) two clamps on folded fabric, and 3) marbles fastened in the fabric with rubber bands.
My dyed fabric just out of the bucket with strings, clamps, and rubber bands removed.
The fabric is green when removed from the dye and gradually turns that gorgeous indigo blue as it oxidizes.
A clothesline hung with indigo is beautiful!
And here is my friend Deborah showing off her intricately patterned indigo-dyed shirt. Gorgeous!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Workshops and Classes at the Pink House

Mixed Media Collage - Cris Winters
I just made a new page on my blog where you can find the creative learning options we're offering! Click on the "Workshops and Classes" tab on my main blog page. Workshops coming up by Carol Boyer, me (Cris Winters), and Pat Pauly. Way fun!!!
Making Silk Paper - Carol Boyer
Improv Sketches - Pat Pauly

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Gallery at the Pink House

Mixed media by Susan Andrews
More by Susan Andrews
I'm having so much fun showing the work of my artist friends at my gallery. The exhibit "Arrivals & Departures opened on Friday, featuring the work of Susan Andrews. Here are some highlights:

Art by Lynne Taylor, Deborah McDonald, and Carol Boyer (r to l)

Art by Pat Pauly, Cris Winters. Carol Boyer, and Lynne Taylor. (r to l)

Art by Pat Pauly and Cris Winters (r to l)

Zen rocks by Chad Pattison