Last week I delivered a bunch of my new eco printed silk scarves to the Lake Placid Center for the Arts downtown gallery (soon to be called Gallery 46). I've learned a lot about eco printing (a.k.a. botanical contact printing) in the past year. I also recently learned about ColorHue dyes. What a great combination!
Here is Jon Donk, wonderful Gallery 46 manager, holding a couple of my pillows with silk covers. I love the string resist marks and the eucalyptus on the left pillow; the right one was printed with oak leaves then shifted into another dimension with ColorHue dye. And you can see a lovely mauve scarf on the counter, also transformed with the dye. I'll tell you all about the dyes and how I discovered them another time, as I relive my wonderful stay in St. Petersburg, Florida in March. So much creativity and energy there!
Below are some eco printed cards I made during my stay. I dipped the whole cards in the leftover turquoise dye (from that pillow above). It not only gave a nice light color on the white card - it intensified the original pigments on the card. Magical Stuff!